
Token Miner Staking Voting Method(s) of ROI 24hr Volume Price
LEO LEOM Yes Yes Curation, Staking 261.90681742 0.05592892
NLEO is building a thriving creator economy that is centered around digital ownership, tokenization and communities. Our flagship application ( features a "twitter-like" feeling on Web3. The underlying architecture is built entirely on a blockchain, providing users with immutable digital identities.
The largest tokenized community for crypto and investing online! This token continues to lead the way with it's WLEO project and so many other amazing developments.
DEC No No Splinterlands, SPS, Liquidity Pools, GLS 18,035.98820168 0.00215798
Dark Energy Crystals are the in-game currency token for Splinterlands. Earn them through gameplay or by sacrificing unworthy cards in your collection, and then use them to buy all sorts of great items in the shop!
As one of the most active and popular games in the blockchain space, DEC is poised for massive growth as Splinterlands continues to gain popularity and players around the world! DEC volume is capped at 25% of total volume when calculating token purchase amounts.
SIM No No Holding, dCity 53.90984559 0.00011359
City simulation game based on hive-engine NFT tokens.
The currency of the dCity experience! One of the more popular games on the Hive blockchain and a leader in the NFT space for digital assets. SIM is a token with nothing but big things ahead!
BEE WORKERBEE Yes No Mining 317.74676635 0.33375568
BEE is the native token for the Hive Engine platform
This token allows you to create your own token on top of Hive and plug into the power of layer 2 like nothing before.
STEM STEMM Yes Yes Curation, Staking, Mining 68.90439886 0.00017112
STEMGeeks is a social media community built on the Hive blockchain.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics have a home on Hive! And this token is quickly becoming a favorite on Hive Engine because of it's exciting tokenomics and bright future!
BRO No No Holding 77.21072148 5.49999983
Community token for everyone. Buy BRO and receive daily/weekly/bi-weekly dividends from all of our investments. This is our gold standard. Airdrops to tokens holders from everything we do in the future. Join our discord to participate.
The BROcoin project is truly remarkable! A unique community of investors that are rewarded in many dividend payments within Hive Engine. Earn 50% daily curation rewards from this unique token!
SPI No No Holding 75.3231378 5.24899999
SPinvest is a tokenized investment fund/club for all users of social blockchains. Everyone is welcome! The concept of SPinvest is to get rich slowly by using time tested methods of earning, saving and compounding long term. 50% of SPinvest' weekly earnings are paid to all tokens in the form of a dividend paid in SPI. The other 50% is reinvested into the fund to ensure long term token price growth.
'Get rich slowly' is the motto of SPI and with compounding returns and 50% rewards being paid in dividends, this project has big legs and a big future!
ARCHON Yes Yes Curation, Staking 42.62986853 0.03400001
Assistance, Resources and Community Help plus Ongoing Networking
A newer project by Upfundme! Staked ARCHON is a source of GP in Archon Governance. A first in the world of Hive-Engine!
NEOXAG Yes Yes Curation, Staking 61.42163534 0.00110001
One of the original community tokens and front ends in the Hive Engine eco-system! INDEX buys and stakes NEOXAG and pays dividends to holders each and every day.
SPT Yes Yes Curation 53.50617244 0.00029999
A token rewarding blogging about Splinterlands on
The token for the Splinterlands blogging community! One of the most popular front ends on Hive Engine and blockchain based games online, SPT is staked and dividends are paid daily to INDEX holders.
Token Miner Staking Voting Method(s) of ROI 24hr Volume Price
PIZZA Yes No Holding 92.71630423 0.00959988
Add liquidity to our PIZZA Diesel Pools to farm rewards daily. Win token rewards just by holding $PIZZA! Buy and hold 20 $PIZZA and gain access to the !PIZZA command to reward others with free $PIZZA! Spend $PIZZA on Steam Video Games in the $PIZZA Game Store! Delegate HP to our curation account to farm tokens daily and much much more!
One of the most unique and passionate community based tipping token in Hive Engine. Stake 20 PIZZA tokens and you are able to tip other creators with a slice of pizza. A lot of fun and very rewarding!
ZING Yes No Staking 239.43324662 0.00250611
A roleplaying adventure game for both casual and competitive players with many creatures to catch and train, healers to keep them alive and strong along with many professions and items to craft and find.
BXT Yes No Staking 52.39208103 1.4899
Beeswap token, stake for 50% of beeswap fees
The Beeswap token! Beeswap allows you to swap HIVE between the Hive and Hive-Engine. Staking BXT earns 50% of Beeswap fees.
LGN Yes No Staking 79.78746289 0.42100043
Non inflationary utility token for the BRO economy. You will be dripped hive for holding this.
BRO needed a way to branch out. It needed to be attractive to outside buyers and not just men. It needed to take on a new face to be appealing to the wider community and be accessible to investors outside of hive. For this we needed a cheaper token with a bigger market-cap that has a name that has meaning but applies to many. This is why we chose Legion. It is all of us.
DRIP Yes No Staking 45.21739426 0.25680007
DRIP is a hive-engine based crypto token. The purpose of the project is to invest into gamefi projects with high expected growth and return a percentage back to token holders each and every day with regular increases in payout.
DAB DBOND Yes No Holding, Staking 12.5294546 1.5000001
DAB tokens payout daily HIVE drips!
Inactive Tokens
Token Staking Voting Inactive Reason Price
PAL Yes Yes Volume below threshold 0.0000
SPORTS Yes Yes Price below threshold 0.000034
CTP Yes Yes Volume below threshold 0.00013
STARBITS No No 0.00000
DHEDGE No No Shut Down 0.00999899
POB Yes Yes Volume below threshold 0.00631
CINE Yes Yes Volume below threshold 0.00042
UTOPIS Yes No No rewards/updates since Apr 2023 0.00942
BUDS No No Game/App Offline 0.00000
LVL No No Price below threshold 0.000032
LISTNERDS No No Volume below threshold 0.0000
APE No No Volume below threshold 0.000021
VIBES No No Volume below threshold 0.0000
WAIV No No Invalid issuer account 0.14099
Inactive tokens are not actively being purchased, staked, or mined